Lecture: Prof. Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer: A Hegelian Logic of Us

You are kindly invited to the lecture given by Prof. Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (Universität Leipzig), “A Hegelian Logic of ‘Us’: Implicit Forms and Explicit Representations of Actions and Practices“. The lecture will be held on May 14, 14:00, Faculty of Arts (Charles University), nám. Jana Palacha 2, room no. 225V.


In order to understand Hegel’s gnomic oracle according to which the I is a We, the notion of a personal subject is explained by its competence to perform personal roles in a pre-given partition of roles. Explicit divisions of labour by contractual promises are special cases that presuppose the general case of an already established social practice. On the other hand, methodical individualism is right to stress that we actualize joint intentions only via corresponding instantiations. In performing our parts, we form a plural subject, a we-group. The result of what each of us does is what we do, and the generic We turns into the generic I.