The volume develops concepts of the Self and its reflexive nature, as linked to modern thought from Hegel to Luhmann. The distinctive mark of the constributions will be that reflexivity won’t be attributed exclusively to the self. The moderns are creative in a double sense: they create themselves by self-reflexivity and make their world – society – in their own image. That the social world is reflexive, means that it is made up of non-subjective (or supra-subjective) communication. The volume’s contributors analyze this double reflexivity, of the self and society, from an interdisciplinary perspective, focusing both on individual and social narratives. The broad interdisciplinary approach is a distinctive mark of the entire project, as based on the international conference Narrativity and Self-Creating Forms held in Prague in summer 2019.

The volume will be structured around the following axes:
A) Self-Making and Reflexivity – Theoretical Topics
B) Social Self and the Modern World
C) Literature – Self and Narrativity
D) Creative Self – Text and Fine Art
The volume will include contributions by most renowned specialists, including J. F. Kervégan, B. Zabel, L. Illetterati, P. Stekeler, I. James, L. Kvasz, H. Ikäheimo and others.